Thought that I would give an update since it has been a while.
Went to the doctors in April and it is still clear, no disease. I go back again in Septemeber, and if it is still clear, I will start making yearly check-ups. Before I go back again, I have to get another MRI just to make sure it has no grown back.
Still really no stiffness, I have been going to physical therapy again to try and get rid of the tendonitis that I had in my knee, also to get rid of the tightness, which is a knot, in the back of my leg.
I am hoping to try and get some mountain biking in this year at some point.
Since my Kickstarter was successful, I now have a website for the business if you want to check it out!
Until next time,
I am a Christian, I love to Mountain Bike, Long Board, I am a Gamer, I am a Mechanical Engineer, I like squirrels. I got married to my best friend, Kayla, on July 6th, 2013. Most of my blogs are going to start out with a disease I have in my right knee, I have synovial chondromatosis, which is really rare. I have had surgery for it on Monday December 17th, 2012 and on Monday March 10th, 2014. I will blog about the surgery, the recovery, and anything else that comes to mind!!

Me, my wife Kayla, I am holding Ellie, she is holding Hannah.