
Me, my wife Kayla, I am holding Ellie, she is holding Hannah.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!

Today has been a week since I had surgery on my right knee and I am glad that I have been home the past few days, way better than the hospital.

So my home nurse and home physical therapy have started.  I am doing just some motion exercises and straightening my knee exercises to work it out.  I am also laying on my stomach which is suppose to help straighten out my leg as well.  The nurse came today, looked at it and said everything is looking good. My pain level right now is like 1 and the highest is like a 2-3.

I am starting to sorta walk with the crutches.  Instead of taking a step and bringing my other leg up beside my already stepped leg, I am trying just walking normal but using my crutches with stepping with my right leg, which I had surgery on.  I am still cautious about walking without my crutches so I will give it a few more days of walking like this then I will try it.  I tend of have some pain when I first stand up, but once I stand there for a few moments the pain goes away and I am good to go.  I am getting better at steps, going up them, going down them I am still sitting down and sliding down them.  The steps outside my house have a double railing that I can hold both at the same time so going down steps with that is pretty easy, but inside the house I would rather prefer sliding.

Below I have some pictures of what it looks like right now, I took the picture either yesterday or the day before.  Some of the tape on the front of my leg is starting to peel and a lot of it looks to be healed.  The nurses said to just let them go and take showers and all that and let them peel off themselves, if I would pull them, they could rip open the scab.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, and remember that Jesus was born on that day!!

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