So it has been 5 months since I had my surgery on my right knee. It
is 45 days until I get married, we had our bridal shower over this past
weekend and got lots of gifts, I have been at my current job for over a
year now. Boy, time has been flying!!
I did have this
all typed up and my firefox decided to crash and I lost it all... Now I
am just trying to remember all that I said.
I feel
that I got most of my range of motion back in my knee. I have been
walking a lot lately, going to this one park that is near my work. Lots
of trails there to walk, they are all paved. Besides getting blisters
behind my big toe on both feet, it is all going good with that and I am
feeling better. I bought new shoes for walking, Brooks. Also bought
some Band-Aid anti-friction stuff to put on my feet to help from getting
blisters, it seems to be working so far.
I am using an app on my iPhone called MapMyRun, if anyone would like to add me my username is bmy61.
I go back to
the doctor on Friday June 21st, around then will probably be my next
post/update. I will be doing these monthly and/or when I remember to do
I should be closing on my house in the next few
days, so I will be moving into there. Going to bring my mountain bike
down from my parents house after that, so hopefully I can get back to
doing that.
Other than that, below is some pictures of what my knee looks like as of today.
I am a Christian, I love to Mountain Bike, Long Board, I am a Gamer, I am a Mechanical Engineer, I like squirrels. I got married to my best friend, Kayla, on July 6th, 2013. Most of my blogs are going to start out with a disease I have in my right knee, I have synovial chondromatosis, which is really rare. I have had surgery for it on Monday December 17th, 2012 and on Monday March 10th, 2014. I will blog about the surgery, the recovery, and anything else that comes to mind!!

Me, my wife Kayla, I am holding Ellie, she is holding Hannah.
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