
Me, my wife Kayla, I am holding Ellie, she is holding Hannah.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

It has been a while since the last update...

So since it has been almost 2 months since my last update, I have been doing great!! All I can say is that this is the best my knee has felt in 2 years!! Got the stitches out a few months ago, finished physical therapy before Thanksgiving, and started a new job this past Monday.  I can actually squat now without much pain, still doing stretching on my own.  I go back to the doctors here soon, which I am changing until early next year because of the new job.  I still have some spots where I do not have feeling in my right knee.  I will actually be surprised if it has grown back because it does not hurt at all, the tendonitis has seemed to have gone away for the most part and the stitches look great!

No need for pictures because there is nothing to see except for a scar.  I can't wait until it is not winter anymore so I can get back to mountain biking.

Hopefully I won't wait for 2 months to update again.